Car Repair
Car Repair
Tutoring Services
I would like to open up a savings/chequing account. Can someone help me?
How do I transfer money from another country into my current account?
How do I open an RESP account for my children? (Registered Education Saving Plans)
How do I apply for a loan?
Can I consolidate all my debt into one loan?
Does your bank have any security boxes available? How much is it for the year?
What is the exchange rate today for (American dollars/Euros)?
Can I buy foreign currency (American dollars/Euros) the same day?
Did you explain what information you needed?
Did you give all the necessary details?
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Did you repeat back all the important information? (date - time - location)
Did you thank the other person for their help and information?
Thank you for all your help. Thank you for your assistance. Thanks for everything. I appreciate your help.
This was a lot of information, I will get back to you, thank you.