Car Repair
Car Repair
Tutoring Services
Buying a Car
Questions to ask a Car Salesperson
Hi I'm looking to buy a car.
Do you have any (Year, Make of car)?
What is the model/make of the car?
What year is it?
Has the car been in any accidents?
What kind of financing is available?
How much mileage is on the car?
Does it have power steering/power windows?
Does the air conditioner work?
Can I get rust proofing on it?
Is the price negotiable?
If you have a car you want to use as a trade-in, you can ask.
How much will you give me for my car if I trade it in?
Can you sell my car for me?
Did you explain what information you needed?
Did you give all the necessary details?
Did you ask all the questions?
Did you repeat back all the important information? (date - time - location - amount)
Did you thank the other person for their help and information?
I will get back to you, once I have made my decision. Thanks.
Thank you for all your help. Thank you for your assistance. Thanks for everything. I appreciate your help.
Questions to ask a person who is privately selling
Hi, I'm interested in buying your car.
Why are you selling the car?
Who did you buy the car from?
What year is it?
Has the car been in any accidents?
What is the condition of the car?
How much mileage is on the car?
Has the car been in any accidents?
Did the car have regular oil changes?
Has anything in the car been replaced or updated?
Can I take the car for an independent inspection?
Does the air conditioner work?
Does anything need to be changed? (brakes etc.)
Is the price negotiable?