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Credit Card

  • Who can I speak to with regards to getting a credit card?

  • How do I apply for a credit card? 

  • What is my limit for this card?

  • What is the interest rate?

  • What are the benefits of this credit card? 

  • Is there an annual fee for this credit card?

  • Can I use this card in any country?  What is the transaction fee?

  • Can I cancel my credit card?

  • I lost my credit card.  Can you stop all transactions?

  • How can I get a new one?

  • When will the new credit card arrive?


Questions to ask if you are not able to pay your monthly credit card bill


  • Can someone help me with regards to my credit card payments?

  • I am unable to pay my credit card bill this month.  What should I do?

  • Can I defer the minimum amount till next month?

  • Can you lower the interest amount?

  • Will this effect my credit score?

Available credit - The difference between a person's credit limit and the amount of money they have already borrowed or spent on their credit card

Current balance - An amount of money, shown on a person's statement, that they owe

Credit card - A plastic card that lets a person buy something on credit and pay for it later

Credit limit - The highest amount lent to a person

Due date - Monthly date when at least a minimum payment is due

Minimum payment - The least amount of money you can pay towards you credit card balance



  • Did you explain what information you needed?

  • Did you give all the necessary details?

  • Did you ask all the questions?

  • Did you repeat back all the important information? (due date - credit limit)

  • Did you thank the other person for their help and information?

       Thank you for all your help.  Thank you for your assistance.  Thanks for everything.  I appreciate your help.

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